My evaluation method
This page of my blog, compared to the others, is strictly personal as I would like to show you how I evaluate a Bitmonds.
We have seen that the four main macro-features from which a Bitmonds takes value are: rarity, purity, ID and crown. Each evaluation must take into account these four characteristics, and each evaluation is strictly personal as the weight to be given to these four characteristics changes according to the preferences of each of us. Furthermore, the ultimate judge of the value of a Bitmonds as I tried to make you understand in the previous sections, is only the market which evaluates through the law of supply and demand.
Given that none of us have a crystal ball, we cannot know which characteristics will be the most valuable in the future, so each evaluation method must be thought just like an idea, and it should be seen only as an attempt to predict how the market will evolve. For the reasons listed above no one should have the presumption of possessing the correct method!!
Having made the necessary premises, here is my approach to evaluating a Bitmonds: basically my personal ranking of the four qualities which give value to a Bitmonds at the moment is the following:
1) Rarity
2) ID
3) Purity
4) Crown
This choice derives from the fact that often to make our collection unique we are looking for a piece that we can think of as the 'best' of the collection and a rare diamond has many possibilities to play this role. Furthermore, even for collectors determined to finish the collection, find a rare piece often becomes very difficult, due to its scarcity; in this sense I believe that the 'rare' especially those of the first collection will always have a great consideration on the market.
My choice to privilege the ID over the purity instead is essentially a bet for the future: personally I believe that when the number of generations is really high, the so-called 'low IDs' can really become protagonists on the market, as they know they have among 500000 Bitmonds generated one of the first 3000 I think it gives the collection a nice character of exclusivity.
For the last two places of my personal ranking, I usually evaluate the best possible balance between purity and crown, even if I have a better consideration for the purity. But I always keep the crown in mind, in fact if I had to choose between two Bitmonds with similar ID and rarity, but one is K1 and the other J5, at this moment I would always choose the K1.
This is therefore my personal method of evaluating Bitmonds, which as I have already written is absolutely not to be considered as the definitive method, because the only final judge to evaluate a Bitmonda is and will always be the market.
And how do you rate your Bitmonds? What method do you use? Let me know below in the comments!
We have seen that the four main macro-features from which a Bitmonds takes value are: rarity, purity, ID and crown. Each evaluation must take into account these four characteristics, and each evaluation is strictly personal as the weight to be given to these four characteristics changes according to the preferences of each of us. Furthermore, the ultimate judge of the value of a Bitmonds as I tried to make you understand in the previous sections, is only the market which evaluates through the law of supply and demand.
Given that none of us have a crystal ball, we cannot know which characteristics will be the most valuable in the future, so each evaluation method must be thought just like an idea, and it should be seen only as an attempt to predict how the market will evolve. For the reasons listed above no one should have the presumption of possessing the correct method!!
Having made the necessary premises, here is my approach to evaluating a Bitmonds: basically my personal ranking of the four qualities which give value to a Bitmonds at the moment is the following:
1) Rarity
2) ID
3) Purity
4) Crown
This choice derives from the fact that often to make our collection unique we are looking for a piece that we can think of as the 'best' of the collection and a rare diamond has many possibilities to play this role. Furthermore, even for collectors determined to finish the collection, find a rare piece often becomes very difficult, due to its scarcity; in this sense I believe that the 'rare' especially those of the first collection will always have a great consideration on the market.
My choice to privilege the ID over the purity instead is essentially a bet for the future: personally I believe that when the number of generations is really high, the so-called 'low IDs' can really become protagonists on the market, as they know they have among 500000 Bitmonds generated one of the first 3000 I think it gives the collection a nice character of exclusivity.
For the last two places of my personal ranking, I usually evaluate the best possible balance between purity and crown, even if I have a better consideration for the purity. But I always keep the crown in mind, in fact if I had to choose between two Bitmonds with similar ID and rarity, but one is K1 and the other J5, at this moment I would always choose the K1.
This is therefore my personal method of evaluating Bitmonds, which as I have already written is absolutely not to be considered as the definitive method, because the only final judge to evaluate a Bitmonda is and will always be the market.
And how do you rate your Bitmonds? What method do you use? Let me know below in the comments!
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