And here we are at the sixth appointment of the community's favorite format: Bitmonds Got Talent.
Today our interviewed is Michael! Enjoy this beautiful interview.
P.s by reading the interview keep in mind that it was made just before the generations reopened.
1) How did you find out about the Bitmonds project?
I learned about bitmonds from a friend of mine and it immediately seemed like a very interesting project so I went to get some informations and I immediately bought a 10 Bitmonds.
2) Your favorite color?
My favorite color is and always will be fiery red
3) The favorite Bitmonds of your collection?
My favorite is the D3 Olive
4) Which Bitmonds would you like to have?
The bitmond that I would like to have is a unique and perfect D1 with low ID, to say ramen would be too obvious and trivial.
5) What is your personal ranking of the evaluation criteria? (ID, rarity, colorscale and crown)
Well I would certainly say that in the first place there is rarity in my opinion.
6) What is your collection style: do you prefer to complete a collection, have fewer but quality pieces or a mix of the two?
I would like to have a collection made up mostly of rare bitmonds and D but sometimes when you need money you are forced to sell your best pieces as I have already done.
7) Any advice you would give to newcomers?
My advice for newcomers is certainly to generate as much as possible as soon as this comes back and to buy some bitbonds from the first collection
8) What topics would you like to be treated in the blog?
In my opinion the blog is already complete as it is and I am really happy that someone created it to give anyone the opportunity to learn about bitmonds and to always know a little more.
9) Any advice that you would give to the founders of the Bitmonds project?
To reopen fast the generation, here we can't stay longer with the same Bitmonds, hahah I joke of course, however in my opinion they have already done a lot and they just have to continue like this.
10) What news would you like to see in the future in the project?
As a novelty I would say that the auctions that we are doing on Facebook they could be made in their platform, in this way everything will be even safer, indeed in this way the auctions will be held only between real members of bitmonds and not even with scammers.
Did you like the interview? For me as always he is a great YES. If you want to read the previous interviews click here.
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